Under the Shadow of the Tree
SOA is an association founded in 2019 by agronomy students at AgroParisTech. She is interested in the different forms that agroforestry can take around the world. Every year a team goes on an expedition to a region of the world to meet those who are working for the agriculture of tomorrow.

Our history

The Sous l’Ombre de l’Arbre association was created in 2019 by 3 AgroParisTech students wishing to discover alternative and innovative agricultural production methods developed locally. Since then, an expedition has been organized every year: in France in 2020, in the Balkans in 2021, in Central Asia in 2022, and in the Caribbean in 2023. For this fifth edition, we have decided to continue the adventure in South America .
Thus, thanks to the field experience acquired over the previous 4 years, we benefit from a dense network of contacts in the field of agroforestry ready to meet us.
We are also already partly equipped with precise audiovisual equipment allowing us to shoot good quality images and interviews to produce our documentary.

The 2024 team

Head to Ecuador and Peru !

Shipping 2024
A lost El Dorado
“ In the same way that the mythical Eldorado contained priceless treasures, the tree has countless virtues for agro-ecosystems.
The trees are a keystone of many agriculture models, and yet, they tend to disappear in faver of intensive agriculture leading to a loss of ancestral knowledge.
Peru and Ecuador, considered as biodiversity hotspots, are fully concerned by these development issues which endanger local natural resources. »
The SOA team
Our goals in the 2024 expedition:
Meet those who are working towards better integration of farmers into biodiversity protection strategies.
Study the rehabilitation of degraded land and the construction of sustainable sectors for local communities around agroforestry models.
Raise awareness in schools about the wealth of ancestral knowledge and the need to build sustainable agricultural sectors .